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Certified Construction Managers
Brett Brenize- PE,CCM
Christopher Cunningham- CCM
Daniel Flickinger- CCM
TImothy Gingrich- CCM
Joel Keels- CCM
John Kowker- CCM,PMP
David Leber- CCM
Jeffery Merritt- CCM, CPC
Jennifer Miller- CCM
Scott Schriner- PE, CCM
Craig Snyder- CCM, CDT,ENV SP
Raymond Sowers- CCM
George Thompson- CCM
TImothy Weber- CCM
Raymond Wright- CCM
John Zawaski- CCM, PMP, CPESC
Construction Manager In Training
Mateusz Cebula- CMIT L3
Amber Grimm- CMIT
Tommy Heitzman- CMIT
Michael Leaman-CMIT L4
Patrick Sinacore- CMIT
Luis Walters- CMIT
Joesph Yesvetz- CMIT
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